The event is organized worldwide by Software Freedom International (SFI), the non-profit organization that promotes the Free Software, in collaboration with Free Software Foundation, Linux Magazine and Zac-Ware, and is sponsored by Google, Red Hat / Fedora, Danish Unix User Group and Linode.
The conference will be held on September the 19th simultaneously in various cities around the globe, and the Perugia date is at the 'Sala Conferenze' of the "A. Capitini" ITC in Viale Centova, 4.
This year there will be myself (Mariano Iumiento: openSUSE Ambassador) and Iacopo Benesperi (Mozilla Italia) as special guests, holding sessions about the openSUSE Project and the new Mozilla Firefox 3.5 functionallities.
One of the news for this year is that students are deeply involved, by helping them to prepare and present some of the talks from the agenda making them to convert from 'listener' to 'spokesman' and Free Software promoter: three teams made by students where one is a development team and 2 others dedicated to GNU/Linux distributions (Ubuntu and Fedora). The agenda, materials, links and information are available (in Italian) on the new Events wiki page of FSUGitalia (http://www.fsugitalia.org/eventi). The international web site for the event is available at http://www.softwarefreedomday.org and the Perugia date specific link is on http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/teams/fsugitalia.
Have a lot of fun!