A computer consultant is usually interested in fixing your computers and not in business functions and is therefore incapable of assisting you with many additional services that will maximize your information technology investments. The computer guy is great when the computer goes haywire, but a business technology expert can offer you significantly more value. Large corporations hire a Chief Information Officer to fulfill this role, but a small to mid-sized business may not need that degree of full time support. In these cases, a business technology expert will serve you well.
Business Technology is any technology that serves the needs of business, including accounting, networking, and other systems.
Business Technology must add value to your company or else it is a waste of money. More often than not, you simply accept what came with the computer when you bought it. The next fact you need to accept is that not all business technology is valuable to your business!
The key to modern business success is to be sure to align your business goals with your technology plans. Business and Technology alignment has become a Holy Grail for large multinational corporations.
Most small and medium-sized businesses are agile and fast to respond. However, just because you do not suffer from the problems of these huge dinosaur businesses does not mean you cannot benefit from Business/Technology alignment. A Business Technology Expert will assist you in aligning your business goals with your technology investments.
The second benefit you can derive from a Business Technology Expert is an understanding of your business processes. Organic growth has a tendency to develop substantial inefficiencies that can impact profits. A Business Technology Expert will analyze how you work to pinpoint and correct the inefficiencies.
A Business Technology Expert will use his knowledge and understanding of your IT systems and business processes to assist you in building competitive advantage. According to a 2007 IBM study, a Business Technology Expert should be "...engaged as a strategic partner for process and culture change." This means that the lonely computer expert typing away for hours without human contact is not the right choice if you want to succeed. A Business Technology Expert will be capable of working with others and must possess advanced communication and social skills to act as an agent of positive change.
A Business Technology Expert understands that his job is to make recommendations. Remember, you are the ultimate decision maker, so your expert needs to present you with options, instead of ultimatums, and will present you with multiple options to achieve your goals. However, if so instructed, your business technology expert will make decisions on your behalf based on solid experience and understanding of your objectives.
Technology is a fact of life. From cell phones to computers, technology has become a part of our everyday lives. Companies all over the world are harnessing technology to improve the way they do business. Don't trust your technology to someone that doesn't understand business and how you work. A business technology expert can make the difference to your success.
Taken from http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Is-A-Business-Technology-Expert?&id=1037285
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